Information on the processing of personal data


Information on the processing of personal data related to the organisation of:
Events and webinars by the College of Europe in Natolin 

  1. The Administrator of the personal data is the College of Europe, based in Warsaw at Ulica Nowoursynowska 84, 02-797 Warsaw. For all matters concerning the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights in relation to the processing of your data, you can contact the Administrator by post sent to the address indicated above or by email:
  2. The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer overseeing the correctness of the processing of personal data, who can be contacted at
  3. We will process your personal data for the purposes of registering your participation and organising and operating the events and webinars on the basis of the legitimate interest of the controller (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) in connection with your registration for the College of Europe’s events and webinars. We will also process your personal data in terms of: nationality, how did find out about us, name of your current university/institution for analytical and statistical purposes on the basis of the controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), which is to assess the popularity and reach of the events organised by the College.
  4. Access to your personal data will be granted to persons authorised by the employees of the Administrator. In addition, your data may be transferred to entities that process personal data on behalf of the Administrator, including but not limited to those providing services related to the organisation of the events and webinars, in particular Zoom Video Communications, Inc., which is the provider of the tool used to carry out the webinars, security services (for on-site participation in order to enter the College premises) – whereby such entities process data on the basis of a contract with the Administrator and only in accordance with the Administrator’s instructions. Access to Personal Data may be provided to entities authorised by law, e.g. courts, as well as law firms or consultancy firms.
  5. Your personal data will be deleted once the College’s events and webinars are over, and if you have additionally provided data for analytical and statistical purposes, your data will be deleted no later than 3 months after the event.
  6. Data protection law gives you a number of rights that you can exercise at any time. Your rights include:
    1. the right to access the content of your personal data,
    2. the right to amend your personal data,
    3. the right to restrict your personal data processing,
    4. the right to request erasure of your personal data,
    5. the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

You may exercise the powers referred to above by contacting the details set out in clause 1 of this document. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge of data protection, i.e., the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (Personal Data Protection Office, 2 Stawki Str, 00-193 Warsaw).

  1. The provision of your name and email address is voluntary. The consequence of not providing this data may be that you will not be registered correctly for the event and therefore will not be able to participate. The provision of personal data with regard to: nationality, how did find out about us, name of your current university/institution is voluntary. Providing this data helps us to create events.


Information on the processing of personal data for marketing purposes:

  1. The Administrator of the personal data is the College of Europe, based in Warsaw at Ulica Nowoursynowska 84, 02-797 Warsaw. For all matters concerning the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights in relation to the processing of your data, you can contact the Administrator by post sent to the address indicated above or by e-mail:
  2. The controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer overseeing the correctness of the processing of personal data, who can be contacted at
  3. By ticking the checkbox, you agree to receive marketing information via social media channels and/or to the email address and/or phone number indicated via telecommunication end devices and so-called automatic calling systems. We will process your personal data on the basis of the controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), which is direct marketing.
  4. Access to your personal data will be granted to persons authorised by the Administrator’s employees. In addition, your data may be transferred to BeDigital sp. z o.o., a company based in Warsaw, Poland, that processes personal data and provides internet marketing services on behalf of the Administrator – whereby this entity processes data on the basis of a contract with the Administrator and only in accordance with the Administrator’s instructions. Access to Personal Data may be provided to entities authorised by law, e.g. courts, as well as law firms or consultancy firms.
  5. We will process your personal data until you object or until you withdraw your consent to receive marketing information via telecommunications terminal equipment and so-called automatic calling systems. The withdrawal of the aforementioned consent may take place
    at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent can be done by sending your statement of withdrawal to the contact details provided below.
  6. Data protection law gives you a number of rights that you can exercise at any time. Your rights include:
    1. the right to access the content of your personal data,
    2. right of amend your personal data,
    3. the right to restrict your personal data processing,
    4. the right to request erasure of your personal data,
    5. the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling,
    6. the right to withdraw consent,
    7. the right to transfer your personal data.

The rights referred to above may be exercised by the Participant by contacting the e-mail address or by post sent to the address of the College of Europe at Ulica Nowoursynowska 84, 02-797 Warsaw, with the annotation “Personal Data”. A person who has made a request or demand related to the processing of their Personal Data, in the course of exercising of their rights, may be asked to answer a number of questions to verify their identity. In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint against the processing of your personal data with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (Personal Data Protection Office, 2 Stawki Str., 00-193 Warsaw).

  1. The provision of personal data for marketing purposes is voluntary. The consequence of not providing your data and not ticking the appropriate checkbox is that we will not be able to send you information of commercial and marketing nature which may be of interest to you, e.g. invitations to events organised by the College and to keep up to date with the offer and activities of the College of Europe in Natolin.